Pull-ups: I was at Urban, so the pull-ups were on the cushy, yet weird, bar. I did palms away because that's how I do strict, but that made kipping interesting...It wasn't my finest showing. 3/5 each round. I didn't even go to failure, it was just a grip issue.
Metcon 4:15. I actually lost track of which round I was in...how ghetto is THAT in a 4 round WOD??? But I know my last round started at 3:09 and I finished at 4:15 so I'm guessing I did average about 1:00 per round so...I only did 4 rounds. =)
Pull-ups: I was at Urban, so the pull-ups were on the cushy, yet weird, bar. I did palms away because that's how I do strict, but that made kipping interesting...It wasn't my finest showing.
3/5 each round. I didn't even go to failure, it was just a grip issue.
4:15. I actually lost track of which round I was in...how ghetto is THAT in a 4 round WOD??? But I know my last round started at 3:09 and I finished at 4:15 so I'm guessing I did average about 1:00 per round so...I only did 4 rounds. =)
5 Rounds for Time
Row 250M (subbed 25-45# BB SDHP)
10 - 135# Front Squats
15 - GHD Situps (subbed incline)
20 - 24" box jumps
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