Thursday 04/28/11


Rest Day


5 rounds for time:
Run 200m
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups

CFE Bike:
20 miles total: First 10 miles at 85%, second 10 miles at 95%


Kiley said...

Used 45# for the Thrusters. I had the bar ready with 65#, but then thought better of it since my back is tweaky from yesterday. Went light thinking "You can just go faster this way..." OY.

Also, I couldn't remember exactly where the 200m run turn around was, and I guessed wrong. I ran shorter than 200...but technically I'm sure it was still 200 since I had to run in and out of the weight room each time. BUT...anyone ELSE doing this at CHS will also have that. Whatever.

25:03. The last round was horrifying. I kept feeling VERY much on the brink of passing out. I actually SAT DOWN at one point...which I do not EVER do in a workout.

chris said...

3 rounds

AMRAP 3:00
5 - 135# HPC
5 - 135# FS
5 - Pushups
Then run 400M
Then rest 1:00

3+5, 3+1, 3