Wednesday 09/01/10


21-15-9 reps for time of:
OHS, 135#/95#


Back Squat

5 RFT of:
5 Burpees
5 DB Thrusters
5 KB Swings
5 Inverted Burpees


Phil said...

21-15-9 reps for time of:
OHS, 135#


21: The OHS were continuous, which is probably some sort of PR.

15: The OHS were broken up into sets of 10 and then 5. I attribute this to being a pansy.

9: The OHS were continuous.

I took the bar from the rack each time. After the set of 21, I dumped it, so I had to clean it back to the rack before I started the next round of OHS. After that, I just brought it back to my shoulders each time.

chris said...

Back Squat
45 - 5
135 - 5
255 - 5
315 - 5
315 - 5
315 - 5

45 - 5
85 - 5
105 - 5
127.5 - 5
127.5 - 2
127.5 - 0


Hang Power Clean
45 - 3
95 - 3
135 - 3
165 - 3
190 - f
135 - 15
135 - 10

This workout is proof that you need sleep AND good diet to recover. You can't just eat a crap-ton of garbage and make up for the sleep part.