Sunday 11/08/09

5 rounds for time of:
3 Snatches, 95#/65#
15 OHS, 95#/65#
400m run

This WOD was originally posted for Thursday (11/05/09).


Phil said...


Exactly 5 minutes slower than my best "Nancy" time. Obviously, this WOD has 15 more snatches than "Nancy" does, but I think the biggest factor was the impact that those snatches had on my legs more than the time they took. And - I'm slow.

Anyway, the snatches and OHS went fine - didn't miss any snatches, and the OHS were all continuous. The runs seemed to take forever, and the first part of the run was always very slow (and ridiculous looking).

Good, tough WOD.

Phil said...

Prior to this WOD:

CA Snatch Progression - Day 1
(PM Journal, 11/09)