Wednesday 07/22/09

Location: CHS
Time: 12:30 p.m.


Split Jerk

Compare to 06/08/09.

Cleans (07/20/09)


Phil said...

My arms bend too early on all or nearly all of those.

Phil said...

(The comment above from 07/21/09 refers to the video.)

Depth Jump off of 12" box, jump as high as possible at bball net.
1 depth drop plus 3 jumps, alternating hands = 1 rep.
5 x 5

Box Jumps
5 x 5
24" + 1 1/3 mats
24" + 2 1/3 mats
24" + 3 1/3 mats
24" + 3 2/3 mats (2 reps), 24" + 4 mats (3 reps)
24" + 4 1/3 mats

Both before and after the plyometrics, I worked on the parallettes (thanks Becky). A variety of things beforehand (tuck sits, L-sits, hanstands) and just handstand practice afterward.

I didn't do the split jerk since my left arm/shoulder would not have approved. Hopefully this weekend's lack of heavy lifting will allow that to heal up somewhat.