Tuesday 07/21/09

Location: CHS
Time: 12:30 p.m.

Back Squat

Compare to 06/05/09.

"Fran Gots Hops"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box Jumps, 30"/24"

Below is the metcon originally posted for today. After some thought yesterday, I realized this was some pretty poor programming on my part as it would have resulted in heavy cleans, a metcon with clean and jerks, and then heavy jerks on days 1,2, and 3, respectively, of this cycle. CrossFit's prescription is threefold: 1) functional movements, 2) constantly varied, and 3) performed at high intensity. While this 3-day cycle would have fit criteria 1 and 3, it would have failed criterion 2 pretty miserably. In light of this, we've changed things a bit for today.

"Uneven Grace"
For time:
30 C & J

Guys: 135# (Bar + 50# + 40#)
Girls: 85# (Bar + 25# + 15#)
Break the 30 reps into sets of 5 - you will change positions (to the other side of the bar) every 5 reps. Of course you can break the sets of 5 into smaller sets as necessary - just be sure to switch every 5 reps.

Scale as necessary, but aim for a 10# difference between the two ends of the bar.

The cleans may be power cleans, and the jerks can be done as either push or split jerks (or even push presses). The bottom line is to get it overhead (but not using the snatch).

Compare to 06/07/08.

To get a picture of what we'll be doing: Uneven Grace.


Phil said...

Back Squat, 5-5-5-3-3-3:

Squats were rough today. The upside is that I got 275 x 5 (which I've done before). The downside is that it was pretty darn hard, and the sets of 3 were not good. My back is definitely tired/sore from the cleans yesterday.

The metcon was good. Becky got up close and personal with her plyo box about 7-8 reps into the first round, so we bandaged her up and tried it again.

Time: 3:35 - this is 14 seconds slower than 03/20/09, which was similar (25-15-10 reps), but with a 24" box. With the higher box, I'll take this as an improvement. My butterfly kips felt lousy, so I switched to a regular kip after about 8 reps but kept them going continuously.

We recorded it - it might show up on Thursday's post (Becky's injury included).