Friday 08/05/11


30 KB Swings, 2 pood

You have 1 minute to get 30 KB swings. If you do not get 30 KB Swings in 1 minute, count a penalty. For any penalty counted, perform one 1000m row. Perform this workout one minute on and one minute off. Total time is 12 minutes.


"Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds of:
Wall Ball Shots, 15#
SDHP, 50#
Box Jump, 18"
Push-press, 50#
Burp-ups (instead of rowing for calories)

Perform each exercise for precisely one minute, then immediately rotate to the next exercise - the clock does not stop between exercises. After the fifth exercise, a one minute break is taken before beginning the next round. Record reps for each exercise and add for your total score.


Kiley said...

Used 53# for Sumo and Push Press. Used 15# for Wallball.

Round 1:
Wall ball 17
Sumo 19
Box Jump 23
Push Press 19
Burp-up 6

Round 2:
Wall ball 13
Sumo 17
Box Jump 22
Push Press 17
Burp-up 6

Round 3:
Wall ball 12
Sumo 15
Box Jump 22
Push Press 16
Burp-up 6

Total 230. That's better than last time, which was 1/31/10.

Wowsa. Very, very tired after.

chris said...

Run 400M
21 - 1.5PD KBS
12 - Pullups
Run 400M
15 - 1.5PD KBS
12 - Pullups
30 - 135# GTO


Phil said...

I knew this one would be tough, but I did not give it the respect it deserved.


Those were approximately the numbers - it's possible that rounds 5 and 6 are backwards. So . . . I got 5 penalties and definitely blew up after round 3 - although my back was certainly fried at the end, it was really more of a grip issue than anything else (I'm not sure, but I think that particular 2 pood KB has a thicker handle than most . . . or so I hope).

Then I headed over to Urban to use the rower for my penalties, and I wanted to do Thursday's metcon first, so about 45 minutes after the swings, I did:

3 RFT of:
10 OHS, 135#
50 Double-unders

I missed the first double-under on round 2 and took a breather after rep 25 on that round - everything else was unbroken (granted, the transitions between OHS and DU were not quick).

After that, I did not feel like sitting on a rower for a 5k, so I went home and went for a 10 mile bike ride. That was nicer.

chris said...


I was toying with the idea of making a smart-mouth comment about how I was hoping you enjoyed all the rowing after that one.

Phil said...

Ha. Yeah. I was not motivated for rowing. Going in, I thought maybe I'd end up with 3 penalties . . . 5 was a bit of a downer, and I didn't figure I would be doing my back any favors by rowing for that long . . . Sunday's squatting looms large in my future.

Also, my condolences on not lifting with bumpers - bringing the bar down after the OHS each time stunk. Royally.