Friday 07/15/11


Rest Day


"Filthy 50"
For time:
50 Box jumps, 18"
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 KB swings, 25#
50 Walking Lunges
50 KTE
50 Push Press, 30#
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball Shots, 15#
50 Burpees 
50 Double-unders


Kiley said...

36:53. Wallballs KILLED me. Burpees didn't help, either. Sweat was just...everywhere. Gross. But so fun! Then I rested a few minutes and did 33 Birthday Burpees! Yay Burpees! =) Thanks, Becca, for working out with me and Phil for documenting the burpees. =)

chris said...


10 - 135# C&J
50 - DUs
8 - C&J
40 - DUs
6 - C&J
30 - DUs
4 - C&J
20 - DUs
2 - C&J
10 - DUs


Did not go well.
Did not like.