Tuesday 05/24/11


Clean and Jerk
87% x 1 x 4

Tabata Run
8 x 20:10 (8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off). When finished, rest 2 minutes, then run back to the starting point as fast as possible.

Record total distance and the time required to run back to the starting point.

Compare to 06/14/10.


CFE Swim:
1000m TT


Kiley said...


Kiley said...

Oh and that's 1:34/100y which is fast. My long-term goal is 1:45/1 mile...

chris said...

Run 400M
21 - 115# OHS
21 - Pullups
Run 400M
15 - 115# OHS
15 - Pullups
Run 400M
9 - 115# OHS
9 - Pullups


The kids got in my way, I lost time on a treadmill that wasn't working right, cry, cry, cry.

I was tired and didn't suck it up and push through like I should have.