I didn't go very heavy on the C&J since my back has been bothering me and I haven't done these lifts much lately.
83 x 3 93 x 3
6:58 was the metcon time. Last time I did this was a little over a year ago and my time was 1:01 slower so that's good. I tried to do instant rebound box jumps, and had some success with that. Woot!
I didn't go very heavy on the C&J since my back has been bothering me and I haven't done these lifts much lately.
83 x 3
93 x 3
6:58 was the metcon time. Last time I did this was a little over a year ago and my time was 1:01 slower so that's good. I tried to do instant rebound box jumps, and had some success with that. Woot!
Run 400M
15 - 95# OHS
:12 off PR. Transition time from "cardio theater" to power rack through the gauntlet of Broz was the difference maker.
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