Sunday 09/05/10


At Rice Lake, WI . . .

For time:
400m run


21-15-9 reps of:
Slapping Push-ups


400m run


Run 60 minutes, cover max distance


Phil said...


The pull-ups on the board were tough as usual on the grip. I think the reps were:

But the main hold-up was the slapping push-ups - they were really slow.

Kiley said...

60 minute run REDEMPTION! =) Some things that were different today compared to last attempt:
- About 15 degrees cooler
- About 50% less humidity
- Much windier (15-20 mph winds today)
- Ate some turkey and a peach and some milk about 45 minutes before
- Only one little water bottle
- Ran approximately 6 miles today
- Never felt the need to walk or stop other than at lights today was amaaaaazingly better. I averaged about 9 minutes per mile, best guess. I'd check my chrono before leaving each light pole and then when I arrived at the next major street light pole and then I'd end up standing there about a minute or so for the light etc. So...very good run today.

chris said...

"Severin" (sort of)

50 strict pull ups (140# lat pulldowns)
100 pushups (135# bench press machine)
Run 5K


I have got to figure out something different on this shoulder thing. I started doing rotator cuff rehab exercises before each workout, (and continue subbing out the shoulder intensive movements) we'll see if that makes a difference.

Bring on the elastic bands and cans of creamed corn!!!