Saturday 09/11/10


15 RM

5 RM

3 rounds for time of:
10 CTB Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls, 20#/15#
30 Double-unders
40 ft. Bear-crawl


chris said...

Back Squat
45 - 5
135 - 5
260 - 5
320 - 3
320 - 3
320 - 5

Corrected form error between work set 2 and 3 otherwise that shouldn't happen.

45 - 5
75 - 5
105 - 5
122.5 - 5
122.5 - 5
122.5 - 5

135 - 5
225 - 5
305 - 5
355 - 1

Phil said...

OHS - 15 RM

Seeing as how a popular definition of insanity runs something like "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," I think it's time for me to take a different approach to my goal of OHS-ing my BW 15 times. I've been wanting to try out Wendler's 5-3-1 system for a few weeks now, so maybe using it for OHS will be a good opportunity. Going for a 15 RM once every 2 weeks just isn't cutting it - at least not for me. Still works for deadlift, though (for 5 RM).

Deadlift - 5 RM
470-5 (5 rep PR)

Grip almost became an issue on rep 5, and it was such a slow rep that I started to let out a little air near the top . . . that's not a good thing . . . and a bit scary.

I wanted to practice keeping my hips down during the first pull of the snatch, so I did the following:

Snatch DL
225 x 3 x 3

Pretty taxing on the back today, but feeling ok so far - we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

chris said...

Later that same day.....

95# Thrusters

All thruster sets were unbroken. All pullups were strict.


PR by exactly 1:00.

Phil said...

Nice job on the Fran PR, Chris.

4:00 p.m. (the OHS and DL were at about 8:00 a.m.)

3 rounds for time of:
10 CTB Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls, 20#
30 Double-unders
40 ft. Bear-crawl

The first 5 CTB pull-ups were butterfly and the second 5 were regular kipping (still CTB). Each set of 10 was continuous, and I think this is the first time I've done more than 1-2 butterfly CTB pull-ups at a time, so that was cool. The wall balls were over by the gym door, so that was some travel between the pull-ups and the wall balls . . . but I appreciated those moments. I would like to say I sprinted that distance, but I didn't.

Phil said...

Almost forgot - 6:36

I was hoping for sub-6. Not quite.