Sunday 04/25/10

Clean and Jerk Work

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Box Jumps, 24"/18"
200 ft. OH Carry, 135#/95#


Team WOD
3 rounds for time of:
40 OHS, 125#/85#
50 Pull-ups
60 Box Jumps, 24"/18"
70 Double-unders
400m run

1. Each exercise must be completed before starting the next exercise.
2. Only one person can work at a time.
3. The numbers posted are total numbers per team for each round - the exception is the 400m run. For example, if Jack does 30 double-unders and Jill does 40, they're done with double-unders for that round. However, they each have to do a 400m run (and as explained in Rule #1, no one can start the next round until both are finished running).


Phil said...

Clean and Jerk
Worked with doubles - stayed with comfortable weights

Metcon (jumps, KTE, OH carry)

Good metcon. I wanted the jumps (hip extension) and the KTE (hip flexion) to make the OH carry tough. It worked.

Seth Mierow said...

The wods with OH carries intrigue me, especially with the barbell. I really want to try one, but my gym layout is not ideal, not to mention I'd probably get some extremely strange looks and maybe even a "reprimand."
Phil, is your OH carry done in one rep at this weight? Maybe I could start by doing some lighter weights. (Yes, Jacob, I mean the women's weight.)

Seth Mierow said...

The wods with OH carries intrigue me, especially with the barbell. I really want to try one, but my gym layout is not ideal, not to mention I'd probably get some extremely strange looks and maybe even a "reprimand."
Phil, is your OH carry done in one rep at this weight? Maybe I could start by doing some lighter weights. (Yes, Jacob, I mean the women's weight.)

Seth Mierow said...

The wods with OH carries intrigue me, especially with the barbell. I really want to try one, but my gym layout is not ideal, not to mention I'd probably get some extremely strange looks and maybe even a "reprimand."
Phil, is your OH carry done in one rep at this weight? Maybe I could start by doing some lighter weights. (Yes, Jacob, I mean the women's weight.)

Seth Mierow said...

sorry for the triple post, my internet was acting up.

Phil said...

We use a down-back in our gym (as in basketball gym, which is right outside the door of the weight room), so for the first two rounds, I took it overhead (clean and press/jerk), walked 100 ft, dropped it, stepped over it and faced back the way I came from. Then I took it overhead again and walked the last 100 ft.

Becky was doing an OH carry as I picked up my weight on the third round, so that time I didn't put it down at the turnaround - just spun at the end (very slowly and a pain in the butt - that's a lot of torque) and walked back the other way. I didn't catch her, but it was really good motivation (thanks Becky) . . . and also told me that I probably could have done just that on the previous two rounds.

Admittedly, having bumper plates is a plus for dropping purposes. I'm sure your gym would just spring for them if you asked, right? (Of course, if they actually do, you have the coolest globo gym management ever).

Are yours at least rubber-coated? (not that you'd want to drop them, but it's better than straight iron).

Seth Mierow said...

Yeah, the only space I'd have for an OH carry would be the indoor track. The nice thing is its upstairs and surrounds the "free weight/machine area." All sarcasm aside it is actually a pretty nice arrangement for many of the wods. The track is even cushioned (lightly rubberized) and is 1/8 mile.
The plates are rubberized, but not bumper. I've dumbed before on OHS and also on a higher weight clean (185# I think) and got some nasty looks. I'm not too worried about those things though since one of the trainers at the gym is a former o-lifter and strength coach at Marion College and he drops 500# deadlifts from standing height.
Two things about the track:
1. Its open on one-half down to the basketball court and "cardio-area" so the very notion of carrying 135# overhead near the railing is nerve-racking to me.
2. It is highly utilized, so doing an OH carry with a barbell while people are running would be inconvenient to say the least.
I think I'm going to try some lighter weights (95+#) and see how it goes. To be honest the sheer notion of carrying 90% bw overhead while walking scares me. Especially since I don't have all the precautions - bumper plates, padded floor, enough space, etc.
Bottom line - I need to suck it up, find the best local CF affiliate and commit to it. Or just start my garage gym.

Phil said...

Yeah - 90% BW overhead would be a lot, especially without some of the gear, as you mentioned.

That track distance is sweet. I joined a gym called Urban Active recently (mostly just to get some running in during the late winter), and they have an indoor track, but it's 1/11 of a mile (480 ft or 160 yards, but neither of those are very useful distances).

I get the part about it being highly utilized - I definitely wouldn't want to carry a barbell around Urban's track. It's only 3 lanes wide, and even if it was wider, it would still be really dicey.

Both options (join an affiliate or go with the garage gym) would be great - if you go the garage gym route, feel free to send equipment questions my way if you feel like it. Through purchases for the high school, I've had some experiences with good places to shop as well as bad.