Wednesday 03/17/10

Blarney Stone 5K
Time:  6:00 p.m.
Location:  Peak Performance (Cass St. location)



corzine said...

I've done it again. 3 110lb cleans, and my back again. I think, I'm going to start just doing bench press and pull-ups. And I'm going to start doing curls again. The top half of me is going to be huge.

Kiley said...

Jacob, that stinks. Sorry. But...I did LOL at the idea of doing curls.

Phil said...

Way to go Brittney Spears.

That really does stink, though. Just curious - do you think you hurt it on the deadlift/jump or receiving it in a squat?

Seth Mierow said...

A few things:
1. Phil: nice work on the 460# DLs - good pull on that last one!
2. Britney Spears! Ha! In all seriousness, though, I have been nursing a sore back for a little while too. The WOD that Phil gave me some programming tips - the cleans and thrusters/run - I too did something to my back doing cleans - mine hurt in the deadlift/jump. I took some rest days, but tried to come back too soon, did "Linda" (3 bars of death) and literally heard my lower back just snap on deadlift round 8ish. It felt better after, though, and I spent some time in the hot-tub. I'm feeling much better now, about two weeks after - and it wasn't all rest. My rehab was this: warm up, stretch (concentrate on back), stay away from deadlifts and cleans on WODS, hot tub, ice, stretch, icy-hot at night, stretch at night. Maybe a massage? (Incidentally I finished that "Linda" as rx'd in sub 30min - a PR by 10 minutes!)
3. Did "Helen" last night in 7:28.
4. Met some fellow Crossfitters at my globo gym. I was doing KB and burpees and they knew I was in "the club."

Seth Mierow said...

Did the Rope-HSPU-Pistol WOD yesterday. No rope, no actual parallettes, and my pistols aren't good enough to do OHS with weight. Modified to:
5RFT: 15 pull-ups, 5 full depth HSPU (head to ground - never did this on a WOD before), 95# OHS x 10 (needed practice anyway).
It went pretty well. About 12min.
Should have done L-pull ups (didn't realize at the time that the rope climb was L) and maybe could have done deeper on the HSPU. Also need to work on OHS Pistols, maybe with dowel first. It was a good WOD, I got a bunch of weird looks on this one.
Corzine, hows the back?

Kiley said...


Phil said...

Seth - nice Helen time!

Phil said...

Fun race, but man, I was tired and tight going into this race. This was day 6 on since my last rest day turned into a 6 mile run (day before this race). Of course, this isn't great for pre-race day training, but I needed a longer run for the upcoming St. Louis half.

Official time was 23:16.

As a 5K, this puts my pace at about 7:30/mile.

The director said the race was actually anywhere from 3.2-3.35 miles, so that puts my pace anywhere from 7:16/mile to 6:57/mile. I highly doubt it was 6:57, but if it was, that would put me back to my pace at last year's race, and I'm 15-20 pounds heavier, so that would be great.

That said, I'm pretty sure I wasn't pulling off sub-7 min miles. It will come, but I'm not there yet - I think 7:16 is much closer to the truth. Truth be told, I think even 7:16 is generous. Who knows?