Sunday 03/14/10

5 x complex of:
Hang Snatch + Power Snatch + OHS
Load: 70% of Power Snatch 1 RM

(Courtesy of Ricky at CF Omaha)

"DB Fran"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
DB Thrusters, 45#/30#


Phil said...

11:00 a.m.
5 x snatch complex at 105#

Had some arm/elbow pain, so it didn't go so well. I didn't miss any of the snatches, but everything was slow, and I really wanted to work on speed.

8:00 p.m.
DB Fran

Kiley said...

Ran 7 miles in 1:14ish.
Same route as last week, only it was cleared off this week, no snow!!! A few big puddles, but that's way better than the snow. I also didn't feel sick to my stomach this time at all. Could be because I ate better, could be because it's a few degrees warmer and so less snot drained into my tummy...I also did way more snot rockets this time from the very beginning.

T'was very windy again, but this time it was on the way BACK that I ran into it.

I stopped at the 1/2 way point for a minute or less to stretch. My quads are super sore, so it will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow.

Overall, I'm very pleased with how it went today especially compared to last week.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, I had NO leg pain, NO back pain, NO any pain today other than general soreness. WOOT!!!

Bench Press 5 x 5 at about 80% of 1RM
I have only a 2 rep max right now, so I did 80% of that, which would be 75#. So I did my first three sets at 75#, then Bartels mentioned I might do more, so I did. I then finished the last two sets at 80#. Probably should have done them all there.