Friday 12/11/09

For time:
800m run
30 Back Extensions
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Back Extensions
30 KTE
30 Back Extensions
30 Sit-ups

Mixed Training
(11/24/09, 11/25/09, 12/06/09)


Kiley said...

Um, 15:19 I think? Or 15:09? One of the two.

Phil said...


And Kiley, I don't know if this helps or makes it worse, but I thought it was 15:11, but maybe that's just because my time had an 11 in it.

Seth Mierow said...


I had to watch the video on the mainsite very closely before doing this wod. I did the row 1000m, 21-15-9 ghd/back ext yesterday and was worried about this one, but it went well.
looking forward to doing the "lumberjack 20" either tomorrow or friday. the 275# deadlift x 20 might be a killer way to start, though.

Phil said...

Good call on that Seth. I had watched what is probably the video you're referring to a while back, but when I was posting this one, I was lazy and didn't feel like bothering with the differences - hence all the back extensions.

As a side note on this one, running 800s indoors at school is kind of annoying. It takes 2nd place only to running a mile indoors at school.

Phil said...

And let me tell you, the key to those 275# deadlifts is to get large and fat. Then they're not so bad. Of course, running isn't as much fun.