Tuesday 07/28/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.

Clean and Jerk

Possibly a short metcon afterward (TBD). If I'm able to get the tractor tires as planned today, it will probably be some sort of "Tag" WOD involving sled pulls, tire flips, and possibly a few other movements (this type of WOD also depends partially on who's there).

If you don't want black hands, bring some work gloves. Also, wear clothes that you can get dirty.


Phil said...

About what I expected:
135-3 (C & J)
155-3 (C & J)
175-3 (C & Push Press)
185-3 (C & Push Press
135-3 (C & Push Jerk)

The first two sets were split jerk. Then I moved to push press since - although my shoulder is better - a split jerk still catches it too low and jars my shoulder too much for now. The last set, I wanted to experiment with how a push jerk would feel.

So, for right now, I'm planning on using 185# for the challenge on Friday. If I have time during the next couple of days, I may toy with it some more (especially push jerk) and see how my shoulder feels. I'd like to use my BW (195#), but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

Kiley said...

65 - Power
70 - Full
75 - Full
80 - Full
85 - Full
90 - Power

I'm thinking I'll do something around 70-80 for Dutch's Challenge. Cuz that's what I weigh...