I'm confused - why do you want to put 190lbs over your head 16 times? The nearest I can figure is that you want to overhead squat your bodyweight 15 times, but . . . well, that would be 15 times, and really, you'd only have to put it up there once.
So, I'm thinking this isn't what you mean. Little help here?
And then I thought - maybe he's talking about Dutch's July challenge. So I went over there and check it out . . .
For those of you who haven't checked it yet - Dutch's "challenge this month will be to take your bodyweight from the ground to overhead enough times to total 3000 lbs for men and 2000 lbs for women." Take your 3000# or 2000# and divide it by your BW - round up if it's not a whole number. This is for time - scores will be counted in seconds. Scaling is permitted, but you still need to total 3000# or 2000#.
Cripes - I'd have to do 195# 16 times. Sheesh. Theoretically I think I should be able to do it, but man, it's going to take forever. It's on.
Why do you say in your heart, "that's not fair that Phil has to do more work than Jacob"? Let me remind you that the distance from the floor to over my head is further than the floor to over phils head.
Fair enough. Besides, it's my own fault that I'm 10-15 pounds heavier than I was 6 months ago, and I like those pounds. They're functional.
Box Jumps: 30" 30" + 45# bumper 30" + 2 45# bumpers 30" + 2 45# bumpers 30" + 2 45# bumpers Each bumper seems to be about 3" thick (or rather, 3' tall in this set-up). Perhaps I could have done more, but I didn't feel like risking a wipe-out this morning.
Metcon (modified the blog to reflect what we actually did): 10:05
Forgot a note about the HSPUs. The first round was with 3 10# plates (the slightly thicker ones). For rounds 2 and 3, I added a 5# plate to that since I was concerned with getting done before MSCL started that morning (we were cutting it a bit close this morning).
BW x 21 (since Phil said to round up) = 3000# Thats 145lbs (I rounded down 1lb) Can't snatch it, but it is a doable amount for clean and pushpress/jerk. Maybe I'll try it next week instead of "Eva." Did anyone try the June challenge? Never heard any results. And for those of you keeping track of work capacity, I'm about half a foot shorter than Jacob, but I hope to beat him in time domain; might not be fast enough to beat Phil, though. The worst part about this WOD is that I can't dump the weight after the lock-out on top. Also, my (globo)gym just put up a sign about dropping weights!
Pull ups kilt me. Wall balls kilt me. The big ball is cumbersome and this is the first time I've used that size and that weight. I thought about using the smaller ball (same weight) for rounds 2 and 3, but decided the goal is coordination AND strength AND other stuff so suck it up Buttercup and use the big one. Dead lifts were a good weight.
For the box jumps, I suck. =) First round 18" then 24" for the rest. Contemplated 30" but decided I wasn't up to it today. Phil - I like us doing some of these plyo type things. I mean I hate them at the time, but they're good I think.
I'll check out the July challenge now but I hope it's not required to do BW of anything b/c that's not happening over my head.
Oh, also, Hi Seth. I dunno if I know you but welcome to the blog and also are you dropping bumper plates at the gym? If so, and if the sign says to stop...I'd ask them why. That's silly.
What sort of world is this. Phil's put on 15 lbs in the last 6 months and I've lost 10, and he's the one gloating.
Further, Seth is "hoping" to beat me in the July challenge. Kiley: for the record, Seth is my workout partner from Fort Wayne. He's a pastor in Indy now. I never even once beat him on a workout, except for the crossfit total. There I always beat him, until we looked at the chart. Cause I out weigh him by almost 50 lbs. He's a little guy, but there's no way around it -- he packs a punch. No worries seth. I'm not sure I can get 190 over my head once, much less 16 times.
Seth - you might very well be fast enough to beat me in the time domain. I can clean 195# and I can jerk 195#, but that weight is pretty close to my maxes in both lifts (215# and 205#, respectively), and I've never done 195# as a clean and jerk together.
So, as I mentioned above, theoretically this should be doable, and I'm hoping not to scale. But boy, I think it's going to be slow.
Jacob - I should add something to my previous comment - most of those 10-15 lbs. are functional. A few other pounds came along for the ride. But we're friends now, so it's cool. Not quite as fond of any of those pounds while running though.
I also appreciated the "Why do you say in your heart . . . " comment. It felt like I was reading the Bible. Which will do nothing for Jacob's ego, I'm sure.
Seth - Jacob did the thrusters and posted his results a day or two ago. The rest of us were weanies and/or forgot about it. I intend to give the July challenge a go.
Also (Jacob and Seth), if either of you want me to do this, I can add your email addresses to the "comment" mailing list so that you get an email whenever someone makes a comment. I believe you can already select this option yourself if you post a comment anyway (at least for that day's comments) - this would simply let you know anytime someone makes a comment (even if you didn't make a comment that day).
You can also subscribe to the comments if you use some type of feed reader.
Additionally, I can also have new posts (regular posts on the blog), not comments) emailed to up to 10 people whenever I post a new one. However, there are already 10 people on that list already, so if you'd like to be notified when a new post is made, you'd have to subscribe via a feed reader.
Ok, now for some healthy realism:
1. I don't have any great hopes that either of you want the comments or posts mailed to you (or in your feed reader) - I just thought I would mention the possibility to cover all the bases. I also realize it's annoying to get emails that you don't want - I won't add you unless you explicitly ask me to do so.
2. You guys both probably already know what feed readers are (I may run the risk of insulting at least Jacob if I assumed otherwise), but in case anyone else is reading, I recommend them. That's how I keep track of Dutch's blog, CF Omaha, the main CF site, as well as a few others. I use Google's reader (http://reader.google.com) - I don't know how it compares with others out there, but it does the job for me. And as we know, Google runs the world anyway.
With as much attitude as I showed this morning I actually had a lot of fun...Jumping is my favorite... Box jumps 24" 24" + 45" bumper plates 30" 30" + 45# bumper plates 30" + 2 45# bumper plates Metcon 11:02 HSPU with headless 5# dumbbell DL 125# 12# wall balls Kipping PU
Okay, so I texted Kathy "didn't you use X weight on dead lift?" because I'm psycho and competitive. =) BUT also, Kathy didn't you use 15# med ball??? Also, didn't you move your feet before you jumped? ;)
I actually did 135# on dead lifts...but on the wall ball i was spot on...I was to lazy to go get a big on after Philliam retrieve the little on...And it depends on which set of jumps your referring to. :)
Just for the record, I can't put 190 lb over my head 16 times. It's not happening.
Great photo of Becky though.
I'm confused - why do you want to put 190lbs over your head 16 times? The nearest I can figure is that you want to overhead squat your bodyweight 15 times, but . . . well, that would be 15 times, and really, you'd only have to put it up there once.
So, I'm thinking this isn't what you mean. Little help here?
And then I thought - maybe he's talking about Dutch's July challenge. So I went over there and check it out . . .
For those of you who haven't checked it yet - Dutch's "challenge this month will be to take your bodyweight from the ground to overhead enough times to total 3000 lbs for men and 2000 lbs for women." Take your 3000# or 2000# and divide it by your BW - round up if it's not a whole number. This is for time - scores will be counted in seconds. Scaling is permitted, but you still need to total 3000# or 2000#.
Cripes - I'd have to do 195# 16 times. Sheesh. Theoretically I think I should be able to do it, but man, it's going to take forever. It's on.
Why do you say in your heart, "that's not fair that Phil has to do more work than Jacob"? Let me remind you that the distance from the floor to over my head is further than the floor to over phils head.
Just for the record.
Oh, and it doesn't matter, cause I can't do it.
Fair enough. Besides, it's my own fault that I'm 10-15 pounds heavier than I was 6 months ago, and I like those pounds. They're functional.
Box Jumps:
30" + 45# bumper
30" + 2 45# bumpers
30" + 2 45# bumpers
30" + 2 45# bumpers
Each bumper seems to be about 3" thick (or rather, 3' tall in this set-up). Perhaps I could have done more, but I didn't feel like risking a wipe-out this morning.
Metcon (modified the blog to reflect what we actually did):
Forgot a note about the HSPUs. The first round was with 3 10# plates (the slightly thicker ones). For rounds 2 and 3, I added a 5# plate to that since I was concerned with getting done before MSCL started that morning (we were cutting it a bit close this morning).
Rounds 1 and 2 were continuous. Round 3: 6,4,3,2
BW x 21 (since Phil said to round up) = 3000#
Thats 145lbs (I rounded down 1lb) Can't snatch it, but it is a doable amount for clean and pushpress/jerk. Maybe I'll try it next week instead of "Eva." Did anyone try the June challenge? Never heard any results.
And for those of you keeping track of work capacity, I'm about half a foot shorter than Jacob, but I hope to beat him in time domain; might not be fast enough to beat Phil, though. The worst part about this WOD is that I can't dump the weight after the lock-out on top. Also, my (globo)gym just put up a sign about dropping weights!
Holy comment-o-rama! I lof it!
Pull ups (5 kipping, 5 jumping each round)
HSPU to a 5# DB (too high, these were lame)
Dead lift 135#
Wall balls 15# big huge ball
Pull ups kilt me. Wall balls kilt me. The big ball is cumbersome and this is the first time I've used that size and that weight. I thought about using the smaller ball (same weight) for rounds 2 and 3, but decided the goal is coordination AND strength AND other stuff so suck it up Buttercup and use the big one. Dead lifts were a good weight.
For the box jumps, I suck. =) First round 18" then 24" for the rest. Contemplated 30" but decided I wasn't up to it today. Phil - I like us doing some of these plyo type things. I mean I hate them at the time, but they're good I think.
I'll check out the July challenge now but I hope it's not required to do BW of anything b/c that's not happening over my head.
Oh, also, Hi Seth. I dunno if I know you but welcome to the blog and also are you dropping bumper plates at the gym? If so, and if the sign says to stop...I'd ask them why. That's silly.
What sort of world is this. Phil's put on 15 lbs in the last 6 months and I've lost 10, and he's the one gloating.
Further, Seth is "hoping" to beat me in the July challenge. Kiley: for the record, Seth is my workout partner from Fort Wayne. He's a pastor in Indy now. I never even once beat him on a workout, except for the crossfit total. There I always beat him, until we looked at the chart. Cause I out weigh him by almost 50 lbs. He's a little guy, but there's no way around it -- he packs a punch. No worries seth. I'm not sure I can get 190 over my head once, much less 16 times.
Seth - you might very well be fast enough to beat me in the time domain. I can clean 195# and I can jerk 195#, but that weight is pretty close to my maxes in both lifts (215# and 205#, respectively), and I've never done 195# as a clean and jerk together.
So, as I mentioned above, theoretically this should be doable, and I'm hoping not to scale. But boy, I think it's going to be slow.
Jacob - I should add something to my previous comment - most of those 10-15 lbs. are functional. A few other pounds came along for the ride. But we're friends now, so it's cool. Not quite as fond of any of those pounds while running though.
I also appreciated the "Why do you say in your heart . . . " comment. It felt like I was reading the Bible. Which will do nothing for Jacob's ego, I'm sure.
Seth - Jacob did the thrusters and posted his results a day or two ago. The rest of us were weanies and/or forgot about it. I intend to give the July challenge a go.
Also (Jacob and Seth), if either of you want me to do this, I can add your email addresses to the "comment" mailing list so that you get an email whenever someone makes a comment. I believe you can already select this option yourself if you post a comment anyway (at least for that day's comments) - this would simply let you know anytime someone makes a comment (even if you didn't make a comment that day).
You can also subscribe to the comments if you use some type of feed reader.
Additionally, I can also have new posts (regular posts on the blog), not comments) emailed to up to 10 people whenever I post a new one. However, there are already 10 people on that list already, so if you'd like to be notified when a new post is made, you'd have to subscribe via a feed reader.
Ok, now for some healthy realism:
1. I don't have any great hopes that either of you want the comments or posts mailed to you (or in your feed reader) - I just thought I would mention the possibility to cover all the bases.
I also realize it's annoying to get emails that you don't want - I won't add you unless you explicitly ask me to do so.
2. You guys both probably already know what feed readers are (I may run the risk of insulting at least Jacob if I assumed otherwise), but in case anyone else is reading, I recommend them. That's how I keep track of Dutch's blog, CF Omaha, the main CF site, as well as a few others. I use Google's reader (http://reader.google.com) - I don't know how it compares with others out there, but it does the job for me. And as we know, Google runs the world anyway.
3. I never intended this comment to be this long.
With as much attitude as I showed this morning I actually had a lot of fun...Jumping is my favorite...
Box jumps
24" + 45" bumper plates
30" + 45# bumper plates
30" + 2 45# bumper plates
HSPU with headless 5# dumbbell
DL 125#
12# wall balls
Kipping PU
Okay, so I texted Kathy "didn't you use X weight on dead lift?" because I'm psycho and competitive. =) BUT also, Kathy didn't you use 15# med ball??? Also, didn't you move your feet before you jumped? ;)
I actually did 135# on dead lifts...but on the wall ball i was spot on...I was to lazy to go get a big on after Philliam retrieve the little on...And it depends on which set of jumps your referring to. :)
There are some missing letters there as well
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