Wednesday 05/20/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:30 a.m.

4 rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking lunge carrying two 30#/20# dumbbells (total weight of 60#/40#)
30 Box Jumps, 24"/18"
20 Weighted Pull-ups, 30#/20#


Kiley said...

I really WAS excited for this WOD. Then this I lay there pondering if I should get up or not, my legs SCREAMED at me not to. I have ridden 3 hard days in a row (for me) and I have 25 miles today. I have 35 miles on Saturday or Sunday, and "Murph" to do on the other weekend day that I don't ride on. No...freakin...way.

I then proceeded to oversleep and was late to work. Sigh.

chris said...


Subbed "my fat butt" in place of the 30# on the weighted pullups.
Even so, the pullups still slowed the whole thing down a lot.

I have got to get stronger and better at pullups. Other than "Do a lot of pullups", does anyone have any advice?

You all can bear witness to my incredible "slow-itude" if we are serious about this Murph thing for this weekend.

Phil said...

Well, I'm just postulating here . . .

I think you don't kip much, correct? For me, I just had to practice kipping . . . a lot. Some people pick up on it quickly (ahem, Kathy). I had to practice quite a bit - it helped when I injured my leg (or rather, the whole surgury/infection ordeal), because then I had ample time to practice pull-ups.

Anyway, if I remember correctly from past workouts, you pretty much do strict pull-ups (again, correct me if I'm off here), and if I were a betting man, I'd bet you have as much - and quite possibly more - pulling strength as I do (due largely in part to the number of strict pull-ups you do). So I think you're in the same boat that I was a while ago - you've got plenty of strength for kipping pull-ups. It's just practice.

And boy, getting that kipping motion down makes a world of difference (although that difference is somewhat blunted during weighted pull-ups - the heavier, the more the blunting).

I'm not sure how kipping would affect your shoulder. Any conflicts there?

These . . . are my thoughts. Feel free to regard them or disregard them at your leisure.

Of course, maybe your "better at pull-ups" comment was a direct reference to getting better at kipping pull-ups. In this case, everything I've just said is redundant and of no help whatsoever (audible sigh). Also, in that case, I have some thoughts on how to get better at that, but that's for another day.

chris said...

Yes, there has been no kipping from me.

My shoulder(s) usually scare me away from even trying. One or the other always hurts. Which one it is today depends on what type of work I've been doing on previous days.

It's possible that I just need to suck it up and do it.

Phil said...

Thursday 05/21/09 (instead of Wed)

1:30 p.m. at Big Papio Trail
Run 1 mile
Rest 5:00
Run 1 mile

The mile was from the 1.7 mile mark to the 1.2 mile mark and back.
1st mile - 5:51
2nd mile - 6:26

6:00 p.m. at CHS
4 RFT of lunges, BJs, and pull-ups

Also, Becky got 40 unassisted pull-ups in this WOD - way to go B!