Time: 5:30 a.m.
This is the 2nd of the two WODS that was performed this past Saturday at the Rocky Mountain Regional Qualifier (we did the 1st Saturday WOD this past Friday). I've posted it essentially as it's found on the Rocky Mountain Regional Games site.
Workout #2
3 rounds for time of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 front squats, 165#/105#
10 burpees
Modified Workout #2
3 rounds for time of:
10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 front squats, 105#/65#
10 burpees
There is a 12 minute time limit on both workouts.
1. The workout begins with the athlete standing on the ground underneath the pull-up bar. Your hands cannot be in contact with the bar.
2. "The pullup begins from a hang at full arm and shoulder extension and ends, regardless of grip, with the chest pressed tightly to the bar."
- CrossFit Journal # 8, April 2003
3. The bar must touch the chest below the clavicle.
4. Any kipping technique can be used.
5. If your chest does not visibly touch the bar, the rep will not count.
Front Squat
1. The squat starts standing, with full hip and knee extension.
2. The bar must be racked on the front of the shoulders.
3. The hands may be held in a clean grip, or with your arms crossed to the opposite shoulder.
4. At the bottom of the squat the hip crease must be below the top of the patella.
5. You may squat clean into your first squat rep.
1. You must touch your chest to the ground on each rep. If your chest does not visibly touch, the rep will not count.
2. At the top of the movement, while your feet are in the air you must clap your hands above your head.
3. Your hips must fully open in the air, or the rep does not count.
4. A portion of your ear must be visible from the side, in front of your arms, when you clap.
There will be no gloves, gymnastics grips, weight belts, lifting straps or knee wraps allowed. Shoes of some sort must be worn. You may use weightlifting shoes. You may tape your hands, but not the bar. Chalk will be provided.
Good luck to all competitors!!
65# front squats, jumping ctb pull ups
1st 2 rounds of CTB pull-ups were unbroken. 3rd round was 6 and 4. Hadn't ever done these in a WOD before, so I was pleasantly surprised.
Front squats and burpees were unbroken, but I need to get faster at them, and I especially need to take less time on the transitions. I think mostly mental for me - just getting myself to start the next movement.
I mean - "I think that's mostly mental for me . . ."
Also, I wanted to add a few things. I feel left out with my short posts. =)
On the chest to bar, that's the first time I've ever tried those, and they are significantly harder than regular ones (for me). But I liked em.
On the front squat, I had an "aha!" moment. The bar sort of accidentally rolled back toward my neck more, and I had the bar on my fingers rather than my hands and all of a sudden it was "lighter." Easier to balance for sure. Also related (maybe) to this was the fact that I did all ten squats in a row for each set. That's not really the Kiley way on squats, but today it was. Woot!
Regarding burpees...I hate them.
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