Wednesday 03/25/09

Location: Breckenridge, CO
Time: 5:15 p.m.

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Ring Dips
Overhead Squats w/snowboard

Doing some OHS (with snowboard) in the parking garage in Breckenridge. Note the head position - not so great.


Phil said...


The sit-ups were not anchored. The most difficult exercise was the OHS with the snowboard. Without a heavier weight overhead, my lack of shoulder flexibility really started to hinder my performance - the board came forward more and more as the reps went on. Something to work on . . .

Also, overall, this was a great WOD (which of course means it was awful, but great nonetheless).

Kiley said...


Jumping ring dips. Worst thing for me was gripping the board on the OHS. I tried to grab it on both ends but then my head was too high to get it over my head...sigh. So I had to grab it on the side. Not fun.