Wednesday (07/30/08)

Location: CHS
Time: 7:00 p.m.

20 min AMRAP of:
5 reps, 135# Deadlift
10 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps, 24" box

Note: The above WOD contains the rx'd loads/reps/etc. for women. For those with knee issues, replace the box jumps with 45 double-unders (if double-unders are a pain-free option).

I'll be doing the following WOD:
20 min AMRAP of:
5 reps, 225# Squat
15 Box Jumps, 30" box


Kiley said...

K why do WE need the squat rack?

I'll try to remember to bring my jump rope tonight from open gym...oh the pressure!

Sub for KTE?