Monday (06/02/08)

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.

For time:
135# Thruster, 10 reps (95#)
50 Double-unders
135# Thruster, 8 reps (95#)
40 Double-unders
135# Thruster, 6 reps (95#)
30 Double-unders
135# Thruster, 4 reps (95#)
20 Double-unders
135# Thruster, 2 reps (95#)
10 Double-unders

Afterward - practice double-unders if you didn't do them today.

The sub for double-unders is typically tuck jumps, but let's go with box jumps today (24" for guys, 18" for girls). Also, double-unders are a skill that you can and should develop, and you might notice that this workout will take a lot longer with box jumps than with double-unders. So . . . work on them (hence the practice afterward today).

Kris won't be with us this morning - she's in St. Louis.

Some comments for Jacob as he's in Rome right now, but really this applies for anyone who's not near a gym and wants to work out. Creativity is the key - I know, I say that like I'm the first one to come up with it. For example, Kris and I once did overhead lunges with some golf clubs and a mountain bike - it looked pretty strange, but it worked darn well. DB swings? Grab what's available - a gallon of water is a bit more than 8 pounds - not great, but better than nothing. If you use 2 of them . . . you do the math (you know . . . since you have 2 hands). Cement blocks are even better (see below).

Jacob - do you have a jump rope? If not, any chance you'll get one soon? I'm going to start trying to come up with "no-equipment" versions as I have time, but I don't know what you have at all right now. So . . . some questions:

1. Any place for doing pull-ups? Tree branch, underneath a set of stairs, etc.?
2. Dips? At least 1 or 2 chairs perhaps?
3. As far as KB/DB swings go, do you have any rocks/boulders to use? Kris and I used cement blocks on vacation once - it worked well (a bit rough on the hands perhaps).
4. A place to jump for box jumps?
5. For DB Thrusters, whatever you use for KB/DB swings would probably work well. Having 2 is ideal, but having 1 heavier weight is just as good.
6. A tough one - do you have anything that could be used for relatively heavy cleans, jerks, snatches, etc.? An old duffel bag filled with sand/dirt (put all that stuff inside a plastic bag or two first and use lots of tape) will work really well and will tax your grip quite a bit too. I think one of the CF journals has something on this - I'll see what I can find.

Obviously whatever weights you end up with don't really need to be close to the prescribed weights at all. As long as you have some standard weights to work with, you can go at it full-bore and start working on lowering your times with those weights.

I'm also guessing you'll gravitate a bit more toward body-weight exercises. Finding a place for pull-ups will be the tough part I imagine.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tips, as always, fil. I'll be out tomorrow or tuesday looking for heavy stuff...I think that there are some logs in the park I can use. Tomorrow, I'm going to do 5x5 handstand push-ups...subbing for the 3x5 overhead presses, figuring it's probably pretty close. I've been wanting to work on those, anyhow. And, I can do them right here.



Phil said...

Good luck with the HSPUs - they're still an area of weakness for me. I've gotten better since I started trying them last summer, but there's still plenty of room for improvement.

Also, I realize you have a brain of your own and could probably come up with all that stuff on your own - I just got thinking about it as I was typing, so I put it out there.

Last thing - you might want to check out the January 2008 CF journal issue. It has an article on sandbag training.