Monday 08/15/11


1 x 5+

12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Power Clean, 185#/125#
Ring Dips
Courtesy of CFFB


40 box jumps
50 lunges
60 push ups
70 sit ups
80 air squats

Back Squat
3 x 5

3 x 5


Kiley said...

45 x 5
95 x 5
125 x 4
155 x 5
155 x 3
155 x 3
Frustrating. Set #2 should have been 5. I'm going to reset down to 140, then work my way back up.

45 x 5
65 x 5
72.5 x 3
72.5 x 2
72.5 x 2
Bah. I think I might try pressing before squatting once, just to see if that's easier. By the time I got to press, I was exhausted, even my arms and shoulders.

Kris said...

I haven't yet made a box, so for the 40 box jumps I subbed 200 jumps on jumprope (I dunno what a correct sub is, but I figured double-under x 3, so I took box jump x 5). It was still faster actual boxjumps, I'm sure.
50 lunges
60 push ups
70 sit ups
80 air squats

I banged up my left wrist somehow a couple weeks ago (Nate called me Jeanette:), so the knee pushups looked even more pitiful than usual! Breaks after 10, 10, 10, then 8, then 5, 5, 4, 4, 2.
Also, can someone tell me a good way to approximate 90 on squats if I'm by myself? The way I'm doing it right now: I measured 18" to the base of my patella, and then I have an 18" milk crate that I use as my baseline. I don't really have a mirror at home I can watch myself, but it does feel fairly challenging to hit it each time.
Phil what did you do to your knee?!
Ki- I was watching your video, and the first time u went down, I was thinking "WOW! Look how deep she does that!! What perfect for-" and JUST then Phil pipes in with "Nope, deeper!". It was like I was there. :) Anyway, good job on the PR!!

Phil said...

Posting for time.


It was a gassy deadlifting experience. Almost had the check the pants.

Kris - I'm not sure what I did to my knee. Whatever it was, I think it happened two Fridays ago, and then I squatted heavy on it the following Sunday. I thought it had gone well, but after that is when it started to get worse. It is getting better - just slowly.

Squats - record yourself from about an 18" height. There is a slight problem with the 18" box issue - your patella might be 18" off the ground when standing straight up, but it will be slightly lower when squatting due to the fact that your shin travels forward somewhat while squatting. So my overall recommendation is keep setting targets for yourself (like a crate as you mentioned) and then record yourself while squatting and check to see that your hip crease is below the top of you knee. Once you've created the proper target/height, just use that, and then after a while, you won't need to use anything - you'll have it be feel. I do still record myself for weighted squats just to be sure.

Phil said...

You'll have it BY feel, not be feel.

Kiley said...

24" box at Urban. I HATE those boxes with the little landing spot. So scary.


Push-ups hurt...I considered stopping at 40 b/c I was having fairly major shoulder pain, then I'd do one and no pain...then another and YOW! So I did them...not sure if that was smart or dumb, but time will tell.

The lunges, sit-ups, and squats were all unbroken. Woot!

Kris, I think my OHS's were either good or sooooo close that I'll count them anyway. So I agree with you, therefore 2 against 1, we win. =)

Keep at the push-ups...they are still horrible, but over time they'll get better and better, which of course is exciting. =)

chris said...

5 - OHS
5 - PP

50% BW = 110#

8 rounds plus 4

Phil said...


10 x 100m uphill at CHS with 2 min rest between sprints. Impressively not fast. 100m is about 30 tiles. (3 tiles is about 10m)