Friday 07/29/11


Find 1 RM seated box jump.

Then . . .

2 rounds for time of:

50 Sledgehammer Strikes, Left
50 Sledgehammer Strikes, Right
Right-arm Farmer Walk, 50m
Left-arm Farmer Walk, 50m
(Courtesy - slightly modified - of CF Football)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Use between a 12 -20 lbs sledgehammer. Go as heavy as possible for farmer carry.


50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Wall Balls, 15#
Box Jumps, 24"/18" (Subbing DU's due to equipment issues)
KB Swings, 1 pood


Phil said...

Last two seated box jumps were 41 5/6" and 43.25", or the 30" box plus 9 mat levels and 10 mat levels, respectively. I used an 18" box for sitting.

I posted a youtube video of a 47" seated box jump on Wednesday on MSCL, so I have a little ways to go to get that. Oh, and that one was weighted with a 20# vest.

Used a 16# sledge for the metcon and then jerry-rigged the 2 pood kettlebell with a green band and two 15# DBs for a total weight of about 102# for the farmer carry.

Time - 12:27
1) 5:20
2) 5:06

The main difference was that I switched from L to R without setting the sledge down in the second round. In the first round, I was a pansy and set it down for a few seconds (not enough for the 14 second difference, but it was the main difference).

I got very tired of sledgehammer strikes. And now I'm going to go play tennis - this should be interesting.

Phil said...

Almost forgot - I like this metcon. I want to keep doing stuff like this - farmer carries, tire flips, sledgehammer strikes, etc. It won't ever replace the typical metcon movements, but I love the addition of this stuff. I'm pretty sure the CHS athletes will as well.

Now I need to make some slosh pipes and remake some sandbags, and I also need to come up with something for easily adjustable farmer carries (or order something).

Phil said...

And finally, man can I feel it in my hamstrings after sledgehammer strikes. I did not expect that, and especially not right away.

chris said...

20 - 45# DB power snatch (10 ea. arm)
10 - Burpees
18 - pwr snatch
9 - Burpees
16 - pwr snatch
8 - Burpees
2 - pwr snatch
1 - Burpee
