Friday 07/22/11


Power Snatch
5 x 3

2 x 8

Perform 3 power cleans and 6 sledgehammer strikes EMOM for 10 minutes. Power cleans are 70-75% of 1 RM (power clean). For every rep not completed, perform 1 HSPU.


CFE Bike
12 - 15 miles


Phil said...

Power Snatch
137.5 x 3 x 5

35 x 8 x 2

Did the metcon a few hours later (after MSCL). Used 165# for the power cleans and a 16# sledge. Got all 10 rounds. I could go heavier on the power clean next time - I finished with about 34 seconds remaining at first and toward the end, I was finishing with about 20-25 seconds remaining. Of course, toward the end, I needed those 20-25 seconds more than I did at the beginning.

Also, it fried my lower back - especially the right side. 165# is the most I've ever done for 30 power cleans, but I wonder if it had more to do with the sledgehammer strikes (especially since I'm not as fluid swinging from my left side). Who knows.

It was a good trial run with the sledgehammer. Now we just need more.

chris said...

10 - 135# OHS
50 - DUs

1) Went into this one with a goal of getting all the DUs unbroken in at least the first round. Result - 8. Still hating the DUs.

2) Got the "wide-eyed head nod of approval" from the bodybuilders on the overhead squats.