Okay...THIS was funny...I had no idea that camera was on, and I'm pretty sure Becky didn't, either. Nice work, nice work.
Time tonight on the metcon was 9:50 ish.
Squat45 - 6165 - 5225 - 5280 - 5--------340 - 4340 - 3340 - 2Press45 - 775 - 5105 - 5-------130 - 5130 - 5130 - 3Deadlift135 - 5225 - 5315 - 5--------345 - 5Fixed some form issues and now confident that my legs and back can pull way more than this. Need to get grip figured out.
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Okay...THIS was funny...I had no idea that camera was on, and I'm pretty sure Becky didn't, either. Nice work, nice work.
Time tonight on the metcon was 9:50 ish.
45 - 6
165 - 5
225 - 5
280 - 5
340 - 4
340 - 3
340 - 2
45 - 7
75 - 5
105 - 5
130 - 5
130 - 5
130 - 3
135 - 5
225 - 5
315 - 5
345 - 5
Fixed some form issues and now confident that my legs and back can pull way more than this. Need to get grip figured out.
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