Saturday 07/10/10



Clean and Jerk

Max rep push-ups

Max rep KTE


MS Bike Ride - Omaha to Lincoln...and Beyond!
66, 88, or 100 miles (I hope to get the century done)

Kiley during "Linda"


Seth Mierow said...

On vacation in Portola, CA (elev. 4800')
Yesterday's WOD: 7RFT of: 7 pull-ups (on a 2x6 in barn), 7 squats, 7 burpees.
Time: 6:17 (all pulls unbroken -wore gloves)

Todays WOD:
Run 350m, 30 box jump (28" picnic table), 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups (unanchored), Run 350m, 20 box, push, sit, run, 350m, 10 box, push, sit, run 350m
Time: 12:39.
(modified from one Phil wrote)

The elevation is more of a factor than I thought - especially on the runs - my lungs were burning, add to that my allergies are wicked bad here and it makes for a good time. Need to find some heavy objects to lift tomorrow, the met-con/bw stuff is getting old.

chris said...

45 x 5
135 x 5
255 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 4

45 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 5
120 x 5
120 x 4
120 x 4

No shoulder pain. Glorious.

135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 5
325 x 3

Fat bar. Smooth knurling. Having issues keeping my hook grip locked in.

chris said...

Later that same day:

110# Push Jerk - 5
30" Box Jump - 7

12 rounds + 5 + 1

Subbed 24" box jump with 9.167 reps per round in order to do the same amount of work as if I had a 30" box available.
(Yes I know, that was very engi-nerdy of me.)

Loved it. This was a fun WOD.

Kiley said...

Biked 100 miles.
Ride time: 7:11:13
Total time: Around 9.5 hours.

This was my first century ride. I liked it up til about...80 miles. Then I didn't so much, but I was excited to get it under my belt.

I have another chance for a century on RAGBRAI in two weeks.

Phil said...

Time for some major catching up on posting . . .

This was an excellent lifting day.

Snatch max
180-1 (PR)
185-1 (PR)

This was the end of my 9 week program with Dutch, and increasing my snatch from 155 to 185 was the goal. I was pretty ecstatic to hit that weight.

Clean and Jerk max
215-1 (ties PR)
225-1 (PR)
235-1 (PR, also a clean PR and jerk PR)
245-f (clean)
245-f (jerk, but it was a clean PR)

With shoulder issues over most of those 9 weeks, I had never gone higher than 215, so hitting 235 was a major surprise, and cleaning 245 was even more so. Again - ecstatic.

Max push-ups
55 - that was pretty lousy.

chris said...

185# snatch.
