Have been traveling a little over the last two weeks. Here are some WODS: "Hotel" WOD: 3RFT: 400m Run, 25 Squats, 25 Dips, 25 Burpees Time: 15:09 (Runs were on treadmill) This was done at CTSFW - Jacob and my old stomping grounds and the site of our original CF WOD (I think it was "Cindy" but we were so ignorant that we thought, "No weight on the squats, thats dumb!" So we tried it with just the barbell. At 10min Corzine was ready to die, at 20min, I did! Note: forgot how horrible the air quality was in the gym at CTS. "Hotel" WOD 2: 10RFT: 10 push-ups, 10 Sit-ups, 10 Squats. Time: 8:22. Was done outside at Waycross Retreat Center in southern IN. (Pastor's conference). Felt okay with this. Push-ups all unbroken. Sit-ups were anchored under a toppled totem-pole. Yesterday did the 30-40-50-60-70 WOD from mainsite. Time: 13:22 The HSPU were to a folded towel and felt okay - 17 unbroken then 3 sets to finish. 70 Burpees was not fun. Started the burpees at 8min.
Nice work everyone. How'd the mini go Phil? The Indy mini is this weekend. I could not be convinced to run it, but I'm seriously thinking about next year.
Bergener Warm-Up x 12#, 33# Snatch Transfer 12#, 33#
Strict Pull-ups 3 sets of max reps with 3 minutes rest between 3,3,3 (last time was 3,3,2 with a bit of kipping) This time NO KIPPING WOOT!
7 Rounds for time of: 3 Deadlifts, 75# (verrrry light b/c babying my back still to not reinjure) 6 Hand Stand Push-ups, Down to 2-15# bumpers and 1-10# bumper 9 Box Jumps, 18" 8:45
Rest day for CFE. Tomorrow is supposed to be CFE Swim TT and rest on CF.
Box Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Used the 15" box plus 3 10# bumper plates. Not quite parallel, but better than last time. I think next time I'll keep the weight the same and take out a bumper plate. The plan would be to keep doing this until I hit just below parallel (and then up the weight).
135-5 185-5 225-5 265-5 285-5
Metcon 8:03
HSPUs to 3 10# metal plates. I only had to break up the last two rounds, so they're improving, but there's definitely still a lot of room for improvement.
As regards the half (Seth), Becky and I ended up not even doing it. The race filled up about 3 weeks earlier than it has in past years, so we had the great idea of running it even thought we weren't registered. However, it turns out that not being registered kind of robbed us of our desire to actually run it (upon reflection, it was probably a good thing anyway since we weren't actually supposed to be on the course anyway).
In the end, Kiley, Becky, and I did a little CFE work that day (1 mile uphill, jog down easy, 1 mile uphill again), but nothing long.
It is a neat experience and a heck of a challenge though - I'd recommend the Indy one next year. I'll definitely do more (probably 1-2 more this year), but I was ok with skipping out on this one.
Have been traveling a little over the last two weeks. Here are some WODS:
"Hotel" WOD: 3RFT: 400m Run, 25 Squats, 25 Dips, 25 Burpees
Time: 15:09 (Runs were on treadmill)
This was done at CTSFW - Jacob and my old stomping grounds and the site of our original CF WOD (I think it was "Cindy" but we were so ignorant that we thought, "No weight on the squats, thats dumb!" So we tried it with just the barbell. At 10min Corzine was ready to die, at 20min, I did! Note: forgot how horrible the air quality was in the gym at CTS.
"Hotel" WOD 2: 10RFT: 10 push-ups, 10 Sit-ups, 10 Squats.
Time: 8:22.
Was done outside at Waycross Retreat Center in southern IN. (Pastor's conference). Felt okay with this. Push-ups all unbroken. Sit-ups were anchored under a toppled totem-pole.
Yesterday did the 30-40-50-60-70 WOD from mainsite.
Time: 13:22
The HSPU were to a folded towel and felt okay - 17 unbroken then 3 sets to finish. 70 Burpees was not fun. Started the burpees at 8min.
Nice work everyone. How'd the mini go Phil? The Indy mini is this weekend. I could not be convinced to run it, but I'm seriously thinking about next year.
Bergener Warm-Up x 12#, 33#
Snatch Transfer 12#, 33#
Strict Pull-ups
3 sets of max reps with 3 minutes rest between
3,3,3 (last time was 3,3,2 with a bit of kipping)
7 Rounds for time of:
3 Deadlifts, 75# (verrrry light b/c babying my back still to not reinjure)
6 Hand Stand Push-ups, Down to 2-15# bumpers and 1-10# bumper
9 Box Jumps, 18"
Rest day for CFE. Tomorrow is supposed to be CFE Swim TT and rest on CF.
Box Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Used the 15" box plus 3 10# bumper plates. Not quite parallel, but better than last time. I think next time I'll keep the weight the same and take out a bumper plate. The plan would be to keep doing this until I hit just below parallel (and then up the weight).
HSPUs to 3 10# metal plates. I only had to break up the last two rounds, so they're improving, but there's definitely still a lot of room for improvement.
As regards the half (Seth), Becky and I ended up not even doing it. The race filled up about 3 weeks earlier than it has in past years, so we had the great idea of running it even thought we weren't registered. However, it turns out that not being registered kind of robbed us of our desire to actually run it (upon reflection, it was probably a good thing anyway since we weren't actually supposed to be on the course anyway).
In the end, Kiley, Becky, and I did a little CFE work that day (1 mile uphill, jog down easy, 1 mile uphill again), but nothing long.
It is a neat experience and a heck of a challenge though - I'd recommend the Indy one next year. I'll definitely do more (probably 1-2 more this year), but I was ok with skipping out on this one.
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