Thursday 12/03/09

Time: 5:30 a.m.

15-12-9 reps for time of:
1-arm DB Thruster - right arm, 60#/40#
1-arm DB Thruster - left arm, 60#/40#
1-hand Weighted Pull-up - right hand, 60#/40#
1-hand Weighted Pull-up - left hand, 60#/40#

For the "1-hand Weighted Pull-up - right hand," your right hand is on the bar, and your left hand grabs your right wrist. The "1-hand Weighted Pull-up - left hand" is analogous.

While my terminology is still not entirely accurate, I've dubbed these as "1-hand" pull-ups and not "1-arm" pull-ups (since both arms are doing the pulling). While more difficult than a regular pull-up, the difference is not huge. However, these are also weighted, so they will be quite challenging indeed.


Kiley said...

The state of my hands prohibits me from joining you in this endeavor, I believe. My left hand has a huge chunk out of it from last night. We'll see, but...I think we'll see "Not today." =)

Phil said...

That . . . is unfortunate. I think you should join me in some other similarly miserable adventure. These pull-ups are going to be brutal.

I won't be bumming out tomorrow morning since we have games tomorrow night.

Kiley said...

Subbed one-armed lat pull downs for the pull-ups. Used 50# resistance. I couldn't budge 60# with one hand, but the 50# I could do a lot in a row. A lot being 10 first round. Frustrating. Anyway, my forearms and wrists are shot must have still "worked." =)

Used 30# DB for the thrusters.


Phil said...


Humility - thy name is "1-handed pull-up." I did the unweighted version - I maybe could have done a few at 60#, but even the unweighted ones ended up being grouped in sets of usually 3 (I think the range for all sets was 1-5 reps).

Good WOD though - I now have spots on my wrists where there is no hair due to grabbing that arm.