Wednesday 08/26/09

Time: TBD

Shoulder Press
5 x 3

Compare to 03/19/09.
(This was 7 x 3 - we've also done shoulder press since then in 5-5-5-3-3-3 and 3-3-3-1-1-1 rep formats.)

Given the lateness of Tuesday's WOD, I'll probably be doing this one in the evening. Let me know if you want to join me.


Kiley said...

I'm hoping to ride my bike right after lifting Wednesday. That gets me out of CHS at 6:40 or so. If it's yucky out (i.e. raining hard) I'll skip that. My thought is I might do a lunch lift??? I might do it at 24 or Urban if CHS is not an option.

Phil said...

I'm currently planning on lifting at 5:00 p.m.

Anyone joining me? Kiley and I have already made our peace. It was a bloody encounter.

Kiley said...

Also, Phil are you doing shoulder press? If not I might go after practice to Urban Active anyway and try to get Tabata and SP done there AFTER practice...stupid rain.

Phil said...

I don't think so. I'll experiment with it a bit, and even if I do, it might have to be with dumbbells (and we don't have heavy enough DBs, so that probably won't work).

Phil said...

Barski Clean:
60%x3, 135
65%x3, 145
70%x3x3, 155/155/155

Clean Pull:
90%x3, 200
95%x3, 210
100%x3, 220

Did a few L-sits.