Thursday 08/13/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:30 a.m.

Step off 12" box, reactive jump to higher box, soft landing and stick it. (2 & 1-leg variations), 20 contacts

Reactive jump: Change direction as quickly as possible - spend as little time as possible on the ground.

Skill Work (10 min) - pick one or more from the following options:
Handstand or handstand walking

While resting during your skill work, set-up for the metcon.

7 rounds for time of:
7 Box Jumps, 30"/24"
7 Slapping/Clapping Push-ups


10 rounds for time of:
3 Deadlifts, 315#/215#
5 Slapping/Clapping Push-ups
(Courtesy - mostly - of CF Football. Their version has GHD sit-ups instead of KTE.)

Cash-out (i.e., gotta do it before leaving):
5 sets of L-sits. Each set should be 50-75% of your original testing time ("OTT" from here on out).


dmegs said...

Coach Kustra's lifting team was in the Carroll paper. They won a number of awards at a competition. Now I even know what he looks like.

Phil said...

Sweet! I'll have to check that out.

Kiley said...

15:33 on the metcon tonight.
Used 135# for the dead lift. That's the most KTEs I've ever done. Previous PR was set like two days ago, at 25. Then before that PR was one. Haha.

Phil said...

11:08 on the CF Football metcon (I updated the blog, so that metcon and the original one are on there now). Good metcon by the way - I recommend it. It was where I got the idea for the original 7-7-7-7 one as well.

Slapping push-ups were done on my fists (on a blue mat) due to an issue with my right wrist. Kind of resembled Tarzan with the chest-thumping.

Skill work on handstands was done using dumbbells (too lazy to go and get the parallettes) due to the same wrist issue.

Forgot about the L-sit cash-outs - did them when I got home. 5 sets of 8-10 sec each.