Monday 08/10/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:30 a.m.

Weighted Pull-ups
5 x 5

Compare to 02/16/09.

For time:
40 Double-Unders
10 DB Hang Cleans
1 Down-back
8 DB Hang Cleans
1 Down-back
6 DB Hang Cleans
1 Down-back
4 DB Hang Cleans
1 Down-back
2 DB Hang Cleans
1 Down-back
40 Double-Unders

Hang clean implies hang squat clean, and the loading is 50% BW (each DB is 25% BW).


Phil said...

Weighted Pull-ups, 5 x 5:

Kiley said...

Did this with hang power instead. 25# 5:30

Kiley said...

After work did the pull-ups thing. Didn't do any weight because I haven't ever DONE 5 sets of 5 kipping continuous pull-ups. I've done one set ever. So...tonight I did 4 sets of five pull-ups continuously, and one set of 4.75 pull-ups continuously. That very last pull-up I just couldn't get. Durn. But still a great PR for me. Woot.