Thursday 07/30/09

Rest Day

Andy and Dad - Rice Lake, WI (07/26/09)


corzine said...

143lb. I think I weigh around 190.
143lb. 21 reps C+J. 6:44.

Seth Mierow said...

to corzine: what?! you essentially pretended you were my weight? or is that the german system with its kilos and garbage? so does this mean i'm going to have to perform dutch's challenge at your weight just to average out? okay, 16 c+j @ 190# . . . um 30+ minutes, maybe?!
seriously, though, i did it at bodyweight (145#) [hey, thats the same as jacob - german food must be a slimming laxative]
time: 7:03 (423 seconds).
to andy: good to see a first timer on video. if corzine and i had taped losing our crossfit virginity it would have needed a pg-13 rating - cursing and puke everywhere! i nearly had to give jacob cpr.
but, in the spirit of camaraderie, i leave you with a quote from coach rip: "if you insist on wearing gloves, make sure they match your purse"
sarcastic enough for you jacob?

corzine said...

Well... Seth's time is somewhere in the middle of that dribble. I think, if you look close, it's a few seconds more than it took me.

Phil said...

I love that quote from Rip. I use a version of it when our high school athletes ask me about squatting with the pad on the bar. Sometimes I change it to nail polish instead of a purse.

However, to be fair, I should point out that the gloves were for the pull-ups on those beams in the garage, preventing splinters and some seriously weird rips/callouses (I speak from experience). I wore them too since it's even worse when kipping. They did match my purse, though.

Phil said...

Thought you guys might appreciate this - this is a quote from one of our MSCL athletes this morning.

After I noticed she was hook-gripping the front squat and told her not to do that:

"I hook grip everything now - even a shopping cart."

corzine said...


Seth -- do you think you could post a video of you cursing under your breath that I beat your time?

It's really all a matter of perspective. I'm glad I beat your time. But I'm really more glad thinking about you figuring it out.

I'm going to go eat some raw pork and drink a beer...

Seth Mierow said...

jacob, i'm sure the word you intended to use was "drivel" not "dribble" the first refers to my nonsense post, the second refers to your action upon seeing a fraulein. drivel is a synonym of dribble, but dribble is not a synonym of drivel. i know english is no longer your first language, but using the correct terms makes ones comments more rancorous.
phil, i did notice the wood beam - credit for "macgyvering" a wod - but the quote still applies.

corzine said...

Well you've got me. But at least you knokw what I was talking about -- I figured you'd recognize it.

Kiley said...

Haven't read the comments yet. Watched the video until my computer killed it (as always). Dude, need to work on breathing quieter, k? It's kinda creepy...

chris said...

How I've put Crossfit into practice:

This talkative guy is standing around in the office area here at work relating this whole story about how he and his wife went out and got pedicures over the weekend. He was raving about how great his feet feel and how soft they are with all of the calluses removed.

I'm standing there listening.......waiting for my opening......big devious smile......there's a lull in the story......

"Did you get your nails painted to match your purse?"

Thanks, Crossfit!