Monday 07/06/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.

Depth Jumps
5 x 5

"Dark Horse"
5 rounds, each for time, of:
30 yd dash (5 yd out, 5 yd back, 10 yd out, 10 yd back)
6 1-arm KB snatches (3 per arm), 2 pd/1.5 pd
5 CTB Pull-ups
5 Slapping/Clapping Push-ups
5 Box Jumps

  1. Each round is individually timed and recorded. You then rest that amount of time before you start the next round (this is referred to as a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio).
  2. Touch the lines with a hand during the 30 yd dash. Touch the lines a total of 3 times, i.e., run 5 yd, touch, run 5 yd back, touch, run 10 yd, touch, and run 10 yd back and through the starting line (where, ideally, the KB or DB is waiting for you).
  3. Slapping push-ups for guys, clapping push-ups for girls.
  4. The box jumps should be quite high. For example choosing the height of your 4th set of box jumps from Thursday's WOD (07/02/09) might be a good way to go.
  5. Click the KB snatch link here for a demonstration and explanation of the movement.
  6. If you have a stop watch (or something that can function as such), please bring it.
Credit for this WOD goes to CF Omaha - here's a great clip of Kyle Kasperbauer (from CF Omaha) doing this WOD. Kyle will be a competitor in this year's CrossFit Games, and this video was featured on the main site. The CF video dubbed Kyle "Dark Horse," so I thought it fitting we should name this one after him. The guy can jump - that's a 24" box plus 5 bumper plates, and I'd estimate each plate to have a 3-4" width (leaning toward 4").

Kiley - Hang Squat Snatch (07-01-09)


Phil said...

5 rounds:


Did 55# 1-arm DB snatch instead of 2 pood 1-arm KB snatch. I don't have the KB snatch technique down yet (tried it today for the first time), so while I can do it, I wouldn't have had any skin left after round 2. Probably could have used a heavier DB.

Box Jumps: 30" box + two 45# plates (36" perhaps?)

Pull-ups were CTB - now it's time to start working on CTB butterfly pull-ups.

Kiley said...

First, that snatch isn't my best for sure. Not full depth. Second, I lof that I roll the weight back out of the picture. So funny.

5 rounds:

You'll notice I (strangely) get faster as I go. That's because I'm a wimp and rested too much between each pull up the first rounds. Nothing else got much faster.

Kipping pull ups
25# DB weight for snatches
Clapping knee push ups
24" box with 25# plates on it

Charista said...

5 rounds:

I'm pretty sure those were my times. I might have remembered them wrong.

Jumping pull ups
15# DB weight for snatches
Clapping knee push ups
30" box with 25# plates on it

Kiley said...

Sorry Charista, yah those are your times.

And Becky I'll let you fill in whatever other details you'd like about the experience. =)