Sunday 06/07/09

Location: CHS
Time: 1:30 p.m.

In teams of 2:
30 Thrusters
60 Ring Dips
30 Box Jumps

22 Thrusters
44 Ring Dips
22 Box Jumps

14 Thrusters
28 Ring Dips
14 Box Jumps

Thrusters: 135#/95#
Box Jumps: 30"/24"

Both partners may be working at the same time, but they must be working on the same exercise, and that exercise must be completed before moving on to the next one.

Also, for this workout, if we don't have an even number of people, that won't be an issue - it can easily be adjusted for teams of 1 or 3 if necessary.


Phil said...

Kiley and Phil - 13:17 (2nd place).

"2nd place" sounds so much better than "We lost."

chris said...

Becky and Chris: 11:33

The first place time comes with a big asterisk. I scaled the thrusters down to 95# because my shoulder did not want to do more.

MVP award to Becky for all the extra ring dips she did.