Sunday 05/31/09

Location: CHS
Time: 1:00 p.m.

If you have basketball shoes or volleyball shoes, it would be wise to wear those. Running shoes will still work, but something with more lateral support will be better today.

Push Press

Rest several minutes.

10 Down-backs

Run 1 down-back every 45 seconds. Each down-back is an all-out sprint, so the focus is on maximal acceleration, deceleration, planting the foot and reversing direction, and accelerating to top speed again.


Phil said...

195-2 (2 rep PR)
200-1 (PR)

Then 10 down-backs.

Good quotes from today:
"Are your hands mentally shooting you in the butt?" (Phil)

"That's a big diffdence." (Kiley)

For translation, "diffdence" = different distance. I suppose the first "e" should be an "a", but it doesn't look right.

Kiley said...

85, 90, 95, 100, 105 (fail), 105 (fail)

I think this is a PR. I dunno.

I did one chest to bar kipping pull up, and then 3 X 1 shoulders to bar ones. Haha.

Then the down and backs.

Then Becky and I rode 40.