Saturday 05/09/09

Location: CHS
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Team WOD (credit CrossFit Fairfax - this one is modified slightly)

3 rounds (30-20-10 reps) of:
Wall Ball, 20#/15#
Front Squat, 75#/50#
Hang Power Snatch, 75#/50#
Run 400m

Each team member (up to 4 members per team) starts with a different movement (not the 400m run). When all team members are done with their respective movements, they rotate to the next movement on the list. Each team member does 30 reps of each exercise, followed by 20 reps of each exercise, followed by 10 reps of each exercise.

When you are finished with the prescribed reps for a given movement, hold your hand up. If everyone on your team is looking at you when you finish your reps, you know it's time to rotate. When all 3 rounds are finished, the 400m runs start as a relay, i.e., one team member takes off, and the next teammate leaves when that member returns.

If we have an odd number of people, this is fine - one person will simply have to run another 400m at the end.


chris said...

I'm in for the team workout. (odds are good Kiley is in as well)

I'm out for Tabata Something Else. Did that one last week and didn't like it enough to want to do it again this soon.

Phil said...

Sounds good. Assuming that we have an even number of people (and so far, it's looking like you, Kiley, Becky, and me), I have a team WOD worked out for tomorrow.

If anyone else is interested in coming, the WOD can be adjusted for more - just let me know.

Kiley said...

Girls finished in 34:25. Nice work gals!!! =)

Phil said...

Guys finished in 30:03, but to be fair, Kiley and Becky had recently biked 30 miles.

Overall, great WOD. Really tough, so it was great. Afterward.

Phil said...

Earlier on Saturday:

For time:
23 Pull-ups
30 sec rest
17 Pull-ups
30 sec rest
11 Pull-ups

2:35 (includes rest)

Kiley said...

Secret workout, huh Phil? Nice, reeeeeeeal nice.

Phil said...

Hey, the original WOD was scheduled for Saturday morning - it's not my fault nobody wanted to do it at that time (although, admittedly, I'm glad we did the WOD in the evening).

Also, it's very secret if I post it, is it? IS IT!?!? Audible sigh.

Phil said...

I mean, "It's NOT very secret . . ."

Fake anger loses its impact if you have to correct what you just posted. Audible sigh again.