Monday 06/01/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.
Sorry, MSCL starts at 6:15 a.m., and then there's girls and guys basketball camps and MSCL through the rest of the day until 8:00 p.m.

Workout 3 from the Northeast Regional Qualifiers
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Power Cleans, 155#/105#
CTB Pull-ups
KB swings, 1.5 pd/1 pd

CTB = Chest-to-bar
1.5 pd = 55#
1 pd = 35#

This is also one of the three WODs that are to be completed by 6:00 (Pacific Time) on Sunday (05/31/09) for those still wishing to qualify for the Games.

Finally, if you get a chance, check out this video of the last WOD at the Rocky Mountain Regional Qualifers. Pretty sweet. I'd still like to do this one sometime in the near future. Just a note - the times posted at the end are the total work times for the entire weekend. The times for that specific WOD were only part of those total times.


Phil said...


And one nice blood blister.

Kiley said...

Used 65# for cleans
35# Kettle bell swings
Jumping chest to bar pull ups