Monday 03/09/09

Location: CHS
Time: 5:30 a.m.

"DB Bear Complex"
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Power Cleans
5 DB Thrusters

The 2 DBs are a total of 45% BW, i.e., each DB is 22.5% BW. Yes, you have to do a little math. Also, Coach Rut down at CrossFit KC is responsible for the DB Bear Complex - he writes about it in CrossFit Journal #58.

Your score is recorded as "X/Y," where X = # of rounds completed on the minute and Y = # of rounds completed for the remainder of the 20 minute period. A final note on the deadlifts - only part of each DB has to touch the ground for each rep, so tilting the DB forward or backward is allowed.


Kiley said...

I used 15# b/c of my workout I did right before this. Also, b/c I'm a wimp. =) I got 20 rounds done.

Before this, I ran a new distance PR for me of 7 miles. Woot!

After CF, I played 2 hours of volleyball.

I'm tired.

Phil said...


It doesn't count toward my score, but I also did another 5 deadlifts and 1 hang power clean before the 20 min timer went off.

BW = 195-200#, 45% BW = 90#
Used 2 45# DBs for a total of 90#

This one was tough - no surprise there, I suppose. I look forward to doing it again in the semi-near future.