Thursday 02/12/09

Location: NP
Time: 5:00 a.m.

7 x 1

Compare to 09/02/08.

Rest several minutes.

5 rounds for time of:
5 Burpees
5 DB Thrusters, 30% BW
5 KB Swings, 30% BW
5 Inverted Burpees

For the thrusters, each DB is 15% BW. For the DB swings, you can either use the same DBs you used for thrusters or use a single (albeit heavier) DB with a 2-handed grip. Although that makes for an easier swing, I don't feel like hauling 3 DBs into the gym, so I plan on using the same DBs as for thrusters. This metcon comes (modified) courtesy of Catalyst Athletics.

Then spin or whatever.


Phil said...

Deadlift (5 x 1):
455-miss (got it off the ground, but that's it).

Only did 5x1 instead of 7x1 so I could still do metcon and get to spin.

Burpees/Thrusters/Swings/Inverted Burpees: 7:50

BW=approx. 195#. Used 30% of 200# for 2 30# DBs (total of 60#).

As for spin, well, I miss Lisa.