Monday 11/10/08

Five rounds for max reps of:
Bodyweight bench press

Record reps for all rounds. This is not for time - take some rest in between exercises/sets. For example, I'll probably take about 1.5 minutes of rest after each set of bench press and then another 1.5 minutes after each set of pull-ups. The WOD is set up in rounds, so it goes bench, rest, pull-ups, rest, bench, rest, pull-ups, etc.

Scaling for bench press: Choose a weight that you think can get 10-15 reps of and use that. Make sure you have a spotter and touch the bar to your chest on every rep. Push-ups also make a good substitution.

Scaling for pull-ups: You can use the gravitron or do jumping pull-ups. With jumping pull-ups, stop counting when the pull-ups aren't continuous anymore (i.e., if you have to wait at the bottom before jumping back up, you're done). Again, choose a box height where you think you can get somewhere between 10-15 reps. Doing 50 jumping pull-ups is great, but not for this WOD - we want to build your strength toward eventually doing regular (i.e., kipping) pull-ups.

Compare to 07/01/08.


Phil said...

I subbed HSPU for bench press since my wrist was a little messed up from the cert, and bench press tends to exacerbate that situation.