Thursday (07/03/08) - Cabin

Location: Rice Lake, WI
Time: Not sure yet - breakfast was both late and huge.

5 rounds of:
10 slapping push-ups
10 pull-ups

Run 1 mile, then repeat the 5 rounds.

For some reason, females don't like slapping push-ups. The sub is clapping push-ups, followed by regular push-ups and then knee push-ups.

Another progression would be clapping push-ups, slapping knee push-ups, and then clapping knee push-ups. Upon further reflection, this second progression might be a little bit more appropriate since we're going for an explosive movement with the push-ups.


Kiley said...

Holy cow new look! You remodeled! I lof it! =) I JUST emailed you kids! I can only REPLY to emails from home, I don't have my address book for some that's why I emailed.

Have fun with your slappings, kids! =) Cara and I swam today. =)

Kiley said...

So Cara and I were chatting about the workout you kids have on tap for today just now and somewhere along the line Cara says something about "How would you do slapping KNEE push ups???" So I'm like we did do em...she's like "But how do you slap your knees if you're doing knee push ups?" BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We laughed.