Monday (07/07/08)

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.

5 rounds for time of:
275# Deadlifts, 5 reps (185#)
10 Burpees (with clap overhead while airborne)

Deadlift notes:
Your hands must remain on the bar through the entire range of each rep. Regripping and/or resting between reps are allowed, but dropping the bar is not (that being said, you don't have to lower it in a controlled fashion, but it might hurt your hands on the rebound if you don't).

Burpee notes:
Thighs and chest must touch the ground. Knees and hips must reach full extension on the jump, and the clap must be overhead (i.e., at least some portion of your ears must be covered up by your arms).


Kiley said...

At first I thought this one was at NP and I was alllll " NOT clapping overhead on the burpees at the gym..." =) But at CHS I think we should. =)

I'm excited for you kids to come home! Drive carefully!