Wednesday (07/02/08)

Location: CHS
Time: 5:00 a.m.

These are the WODs from Monday, but today you'll do whichever WOD you didn't do on Monday. Also, welcome Nate!

WOD A, aka "Nate Paul" in honor of this being his first WOD:
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
1.5 pood KB swing, 21 reps (1 pood)
95# Thruster, 21 reps (65#)
21 Pull-ups

For time:
45 Double-unders
45 Squat clean @ 135# (95#)
45 Ring Dips
45 Double-unders

Andrea: B
Cara: B
Kiley: B
Kris: A
Me: A
Nate: A

1 pood = 35#
1.5 pood = 55#

The sub for ring dips is bench dips, then push-ups.


Andrea said...

Today's 1st workout concluded the "build a shed".
Total time: 11 hours

The second workout was to tie the stupid thing to the ground.
Recomended time 30 min
Total time: 4.5 hours