Saturday (06/28/08)

Location: CHS
Time: 7:00 a.m.

"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:
DB Thrusters, 20# (15#)
SDHP, 75# (55#)
Box Jump, 24" box (18")
Push-press, 75# (55#)
Row (Calories)

Perform each exercise for precisely one minute, then immediately rotate to the next exercise - the clock does not stop between exercises. After the fifth exercise, a one minute break is taken before beginning the next round. Record reps for each exercise and add for your total score.

Since we'll be at school, I think we'll do pull-ups instead of rowing, but I'm still working on it. Double-unders is another possibility but would have a pretty high rep count, which would weight it a bit unfairly given the rest of the exercises. Thoughts anyone?


Kiley said...

First of all, "precisely" made me laugh. PREEEECISELY one minute...tee hee.

Second, I think pull ups are a good sub...exceeeept...I generally get about 8-10 calories on rowing, and I'll (hopefully) get more than that many pull ups. Then there's your burpee pull up idea...but the bar in the there such a thing as a "sit up pull up?"

Phil said...

A sit-up/pull-up combo would probably work pretty well. I think I'm ok with the bar issue with the burpee/pull-up combo. My tentative plan is to do a burpee next to the pull-up bar, then do a jumping pull-up on the bar. I think the numbers will be reasonably close to rowing calories. Actually probably less now that I think of it . . . ?